ip stresser


Dean-Research, Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

VIDWAN ID: 169640

Scopus author ID:57189634770

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7679-9726


ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bhagyashree-S-R

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=3PD5Fy4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Web of Science:  https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAZ-9949-2020

  • Diploma (Telecommunication Engineering)
  • B.E (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
  • M.Tech (VLSI & Embedded systems Design)
  • PhD (Electronics)
  • Currently Working as Dean Research & Professor Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, ATMECE, Mysuru since 6th August 2020.
  • Working as Professor Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, ATMECE, Mysuru since Jan 2017.
  • Worked as Associate Professor & Head Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, ATMECE, Mysuru from 1st October 2014 to 31st December 2016.
  • Worked as Assistant Professor & Head Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, ATMECE, Mysuru from 15th July 2011 to 30th September 2014.
  • Worked as. Senior Lecturer & HOD, Department of Telecommunication Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, from 6th May 2008 to 17th June 2011.
  • Worked as Lecturer, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 16th August 2006 to 5th May 2008.
  • Worked as Lecturer, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Srimath Polytechnic, Mysuru from 10th July 2003 to 14th August 2006.
  • Worked as Design Engineer, Smart Micro Systems, Mysuru   from   18th October 1993 to 30th June 2002
  • Worked as Supervisor ACE Components & Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru, 1st January 1993 to 16th October 1993
  • Worked as Lab Instructor SBRR Mahajana’s First Grade college, Mysuru, 1st November 1991 to 30th May 1992

Text Book:

Dr. S R Bhagyashree, Guru Prasad K N, Pradeep Kumar Y, Shalini V S, Harini R on ”Basic Electronics”,  ISBN No 978-1-64429-040-8, May 2021

Book Chapters:

  1. Garg S., Dr. Bhagyashree S.R. (2020) Detection and Classification of Tumors Using Medical Imaging Techniques: A Survey. In: Balaji S., Rocha Á., Chung YN. (eds) Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks. ICICV 2019. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Vol. 33. Springer, Cham, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28364-3_35, Online ISBN978-3-030-28364-3
  2. Sheetal Garg, and S. R. Bhagyashree Spinal Cord MRI Segmentation Techniques and Algorithms: A Survey, SN Computer Science 2.3 (2021): 1-9. 10.1007/s42979-021-00618-4, May 2021
  3. Dr. Bhagyashree S R, Sonal Singh T and Likhitha S Padmini Kiran J “Vehicle Speed Warning System and Wildlife Detection Systems to Avoid Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions”, Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol .545, pp961-968, April 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-5802-9_84,Part of ISBN 978-981-13-5802-9
  4. Dr. Bhagyashree S R, Dr. Murali Krishna, “Investigating the Impact of Various Feature Selection Techniques on the Attributes used in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease”, Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol .30, pp1815-1823, Jan 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00665-5_166, Part of ISBN: ISBN 978-3-030-00664-8
  5. Dr. Bhagyashree S R, Dr. Sheshadri H S, Alzheimer’s disease, DEMENTIA: ADVANCES AND TREATMENT, pp1-16, May 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87500-12-9
  6. Dr. H S Sheshadri, Dr. A. Kandaswamy, Dr. Arunkumar M.N, Bhagyashree S R, Manoj kumar.S. B, Manojkumar S.B, C. Anjanappa “MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS A RESEARCH OUTCOME”, published by RIP   Research India Publications, ISBN: 978-93-84443-21-4, 2016

H-Indexed journals

  1. Sheetal Garg, and S. R. Bhagyashree. “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS FILTERS FOR DENOISING OF THE SPINAL CORD MRIs.” Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (2022): 2250027, DOI: 10.4015/S1016237222500272, June 2022(Scopus Indexed, Q4 Rank, H index -23)
  2. Dr. S R Bhagyashree, Kiran Nagaraj, Fall Caroline H. D. Martin Prince & Murali Krishna, “Diagnosis of Dementia by Machine learning methods in Epidemiological studies: a pilot exploratory study from south India”, Springer-Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 53(1), pp 77-86, July 2017, ISSN 0933-7954, DOI: 10.1007/s00127-017-1410-0, (Scopus Indexed, Q1 Rank, H index -108)
  3. Bhagya Shree S R and Dr. H S Sheshadri, “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease using naïve Bayesian classifier”, Springer –NCAA, vol. 27, Issue-6, pp 1-10, Aug-16, ISSN: 0941-0643, doi.org/ 10.1007/s00521-016-2416-3, (Scopus Indexed, Q2 Rank, H index -57)
  4. S R Bhagya Shree, Dr. H S Sheshadri, Dr. Murali Krishna “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Rule Based Approach”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vo9, Issue3, PP 1-6, April 2016, ISSN: 9746846, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i13/84496(Scopus Indexed, Q2 Rank(2016),  H index -33)

IEEE Proceedings

    1. Dr. Bhagyashree S R and Murali krishna, “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using Multi-Layer Perceptron Network,” 2022 IEEE India Council International Subsections Conference (INDISCON), August 2022, pp. 1-5, IEEE ISBN:978-1-6654-6601-1, DOI: 10.1109/INDISCON54605.2022.9862895
    2. Dr. Bhagyashree S R and Muralikrishna, “Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Employing Support Vector Machine,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), June 2022, pp. 1-5, IEEE ISBN:978-1-6654-8316-2 DOI: 10.1109/ICDCECE53908.2022.9792897.
    3. Dr. Bhagyashree S R and Prajwala simha S N “  Image Encryption using Discrete Radon Transformation and Non chaotic Substitution” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, Vol. 2, Tamilnadu, India,  November 2017 ,  pp. 1-4, IEEE ISBN: 978-1-5090-3239-6, 2017,  DOI: 10.1109/ICECCT.2017.8117847
    4. Dr. H S Sheshadri, S R Bhagya Shree and Murali Krishna, “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease employing neuropsychological and classification techniques”, Kaulalampur, Malaysia August 24th-27th, 2015, IEEE ISBN: 978-1-4673-6537-6/15,  DOI: 10.1109/ICITCS.2015.7292973
    5. S R Bhagya Shree, Dr. H S Sheshadri, R Shiva Kumar and H S Vinay Kumar, “Design of Embedded system for tracking and locating the patient suffering from Alzheimer’s disease”, PARK College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641659, Tamilnadu, India, Dec 18th – 20th, 2014, IEEE ISBN: 978-1-4799-3975-6,  DOI: 10.1109/ICCIC.2014.7238291
    6. S R Bhagya Shree and Dr. H S Sheshadri, “An initial investigation in the diagnosis of Alzheimer`s disease using various classification techniques”, PARK College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641659, Tamilnadu, India Dec 18th – 20th, 2014, IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISBN: 978-1-4799-3975-6,  DOI:10.1109/ICCIC.2014.7238300
    7. Bhagya Shree S R and Dr. H S Sheshadri, “An approach to preprocess data in the diagnosis of Alzheimer`s disease” Changchun, China 13-14 Dec., 2014. IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISBN No 978-1-4799-4765-2, pp135-139, EI Compendex Accession No. 2015160075195 Article no. 7062522″,  DOI:10.1109/CCIOT.2014.7062522
    8. S R Bhagya Shree, P Chandra Shekar, A Arjun, GR Manoj, A Nithin and Ravitheja S Raj, “Automated Medication Dispensing System”, K L University, Vijayawada, AP, 11th -13th September,2014, IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISSN: 2151-7703  DOI:10.1109/WOCN.2014.6923079
    9. Manoj Kollam, S R Bhagyashree, “ZigBee wireless sensor for better interactive Industrial automation” , Anna University, Chennai 6-8 Dec 2011, pp 304-308, IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISBN:978-1-4673-0671-3,  DOI:10.1109/ICoAC.2011.6165193

International Journals:

  1. Bhagyashree S R, Pradeep Kumar “Machine Learning and EEG in Diagnosing Depression: A Survey”, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IRJET) 7, 560-565, June 2020, ISSN, 2395-0056, Google Scholar
  2. Bhagyashree S R, Sukrutha A Jain, Pooja R, Swathi B S Review on Technological Aspects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging IJETT, – Volume 59, Issue 2, pp 96-104, May 2018, ISSN: 2231-5381, Google Scholar
  3. Bhagyashree S R, Prajwala Simha S N, Sukrutha A Jain, and Pooja B G, “Review on Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using MRI”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 1, PP-1246-1249, Jan 2017, doi.org/10.115680/IJIRSET.2017.0601135
  4. Bhagyashree S R, Chandan G N, and Girish M, “Image Compression using AMBTC”, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System Vol.5, Issue-10, pp 46-54, Oct-16, ISSN 2348-117X
  5. Bhagya Shree S R and Vidya, “Firefly Algorithm based data hiding technique”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Vol.9, issue 8, August- 2016, ISSN 2395-0056
  6. S R Bhagya Shree, Dr.  H S Sheshadri and S Joshi, “A Review on the Method of Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease using Data Mining”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol. – 3, Issue-3, pp 2417-2420, Mar-14, ISSN: 2278-0181
  7. Bhagya Shree S R, Yathisha L “Design of UPS using SOC Technology”, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System” Vol.-2, Issue-2, pp 135 – 139, Feb-14, ISSN 2348-117X
  8. S R Bhagya Shree, “An Approach in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease – A Survey”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) Vol. 7, issue- 1, pp 41-43, Jan-14, doi.org/10.1109/CCIOT.2014.7062522, ISSN: 2231-5381
  9. Chandan G N, S R Bhagya shree and Pavithra A C, “Wired and Wireless Online Transaction System on ARM9”, IJCA, pp 19-23, Jul-15, ISBN 973-93-80888-47-3
  10. S R Bhagya Shree, Anitha Raghavendra and Supraja Pranesh “MICROCONTROLLER BASED OIL DISPENSING UNIT”, IJEEDC Vol.1 issue 10 ISSN: 2320-2084 pp 1 – 2, Dec-13.

International Conference:

  1. Bhagyashree S R and Murali Krishna  “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s using Multi-Layer Perceptron Network ” IEEE India Council (INDISCON 2022), organized by IEEE Bhubaneshwar Sub-section, Odisha during 15th – 17th July 2022
  2. Bhagyashree S R, Dhanush, Chetan, Mahadeva Deepak “Impact of music on Depression – A Survey”, ICRTST 2022, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 14th and 15th July 2022.
  3. Bhagyashree S R, Dhanush, Chetan, Mahadeva Deepak “Impact of Pranayama on Health care”, ICRTST 2022, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 14th and 15th July 2022.
  4. Bhagyashree S R, Dhanush, Chetan, Mahadeva Deepak “Impact of Yoga on Health care”, ICRTST 2022, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 14th and 15th July 2022.
  5. Bhagyashree S R and Murali Krishna  “Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Employing Support Vector Machine” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), organized by Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari, India on 23rd & 24th April 2022
  6. Bhagyashree S R, Pradeep Kumar Y “A survey on Neuropsychiatric Tools and Machine Learning Approaches used in the Diagnosis of Depression” in ICRTST-2021 organized by ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 8th and 9th July 2021
  7. Dr Bhagyashree S R, Chaitra B, Dhanush M C, Chandan R V, D Rajkumar “Automatic watering to the plants and detection of wild animals around the field”, ICRTST 2021, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 8th and 9th July 2021.
  8. Dr S R Bhagyashree, Ragashree P, Ananya C and Thanya M. “A REVIEW ON COVID-19, ICRTST 2021, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 8th and 9th July 2021.
  9. Sheetal Garg & Dr. Bhagyashree S R,” Comparative analysis of the various filters for denoising of spinal card MRIs”, ICRTST 2021, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 8th and 9th July 2021.
  10. Bhagyashree S R, Sangeetha V, Shruthi A, Saima Sadaf “Sampark-IoT Based Display Board”, ICRTST 2021, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 8th and 9th July 2021.
  11. Bhagyashree S R, Abhishek S, Priya Prasad, Ranjitha N “Self Activated Medicaments Dispensing System”, ICRTST 2021, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 8th and 9th July 2021.
  12. Dr Bhagyashree S R, Pradeep Kumar Y “Machine Learning and EEG in Diagnosing Depression: A Survey” ICRTST 2020, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 17th & 18th June 2020.
  13. Dr Bhagyashree S R “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using multi-layer perceptron network for urban population” ICRTST 2020, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, 17th & 18th June 2020.
  14. Sheetal Garg & Dr. Bhagyashree S R, “Detection and Classification of tumors using Medical Imaging Techniques: A Survey”, ICICV 2019, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, 14thand 15th February 2019.
  15. Bhagyashree S R, Sonal Singh T, Likhitha S Padmini and Kiran J, “Vehicle speed warning system and wildlife detection system to avoid wildlife-vehicle collisions”, ICERECT – 2018, PESCE, Mandya, August 2018.
  16. Bhagyashree S R and Prajwala simha S N, “Image Encryption using Discrete Radon Transformation and Non chaotic Substitution” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, Feb 2017 (IEEE ISBN: 978-1-5090-3239-6, 2017 Vol. 2, pp. 1-4).
  17. Bhagya Shree S R, Dr Caroline HD Fall and Dr Martin Prince, Dr. Murali Krishna, Dr. Sheshadri H S, Dr. Kumaran Kalyanaraman, Dr. Vijay Dhanivas “Diagnosis of Dementia using Rule Based Approach in the Community in South India”, World Psychiatric Congress, Cochin, Sept.2015.
  18. H S Sheshadri, S R Bhagya Shree and Murali Krishna, “Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease employing neuro psychological and classification techniques”, Kaulalampur, Malaysia, 24th -27th August 2015(IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISBN: 978-1-4673-6537-6/15, doi.org/10.1109/ICITCS.2015.7292973)
  19. S R Bhagya Shree, Kiran, Chandan, Pradeep, Hamsini, Revathi and Apoorva, “Automated moisture level control of irrigation field for improving a yield of a crop”, at 2nd International conference On Networks information and communication, ICNIC – 2015, 18th -20th May 2015 at SVCE, Bangalore.
  20. Bhagyashree S R and Dr. H S Sheshadri, “An approach to preprocess data in the diagnosis of Alzheimer`s disease” Changchun, China 13-14 Dec., 2014. (IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISBN No 978-1-4799-4765-2, pp135-139, EI Compendex Accession No. 2015160075195 Article no. 7062522″, doi.org/10.1109/CCIOT.2014.7062522)
  21. S R Bhagyashree, P Chandra Shekar, A Arjun, GR Manoj, A Nithin and Ravitheja S Raj, “Automated Medication Dispensing System”, K L University, Vijayawada, AP, 11th -13th September, 2014 (IEEE Digital explore IEEE ISSN: 2151-7703 doi.org/10.1109/WOCN.2014.6923079)
  22. R. Bhagya Shree G. N. Chandan, R. Anitha, P. Supraja and L. Shwethashree, “A Vital Parameter Monitoring System using GSM”, Elsevier proceedings, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, ICNIC-2014, 18th– 20th May 2014, SVCE, Bangalore.
  • Funded by AICTE under the scheme MODROB- ASP for establishing “Cyber security in Power systems”. March 2022, F.No.9-ssllDC/MOD- ASP/Policy -l 12021 -22
  • Funded from AICTE to conduct ATAL FDP on “Implementation of National Education Policy 2020” from 24th January 2022 to 28th January 2022. F.No.2-23/AICTE/ATAL-HQ/2021-22/2101
  • Funded from Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI) DST for a multicentric work with the title “Improving diagnosis and access to health care services for persons with dementia using Android based applications by community health workers” for the years 2018-2021.
  1. Dr. Bhagyashree S R, Pavithra A C, Dhanush H V,  Chethan P, Mahadevdeepak P, Nikhith Urs “MACHINE LEARNED CROP PREDICTION SYSTE” with patent application Number 202241042713 published on 19/08/2022
  2. Dr. Bhagyashree S R (EC), Pooja R, Sheethal N , SUKRUTHA A JAIN ,SWATHI B S “A HANDHELD VISITOR GUIDANCE DEVICE, A SYSTEM AND A METHOD” with patent application Number 202241007931 with publication Date 25/02/2022
  3. Dr. Bhagyashree S R, Keerthi A Kumbar, Mohammed Umar, Mohammed Adnan, Nayana N Poornima S “IOT BASED INFECTIOUS DISEASE EXAMINATION SYSTEM AND METHOD” with patent application Number 202141056445 with publication Date 11/02/2022
  4. Dr. Bhagyashree S R along with Chandrashekhar P Assistant Professor, students Priya Prasad, Abhishek S, N Ranjitha, Manoj G R, Arjun A, Nithin, Ravitheja S Raj has applied for patent on “SMART Medication Dispensing System” with patent application Number 201841011210.

PC Member:

  • International Conference on Computer science and Machin learning, January 2-3, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland https://aisca2023.org/csml/committee
  • 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIFU 2023), March 18-19, 2023, Vienna, Austria https://www.ccsea2023.org/aifu/committee
  • 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (AIBD 2023), January 28-29, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark https://acsty2023.org/aibd/committee
  • 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing (MLSC 2023), January 28-29, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark https://acsty2023.org/mlsc/committee
  • 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and AI (NIAI 2023) February 18-19, 2023, Dubai, UAE  https://ccseit2023.org/niai/committee
  • 8th International Conference on Software Security (ICSS 2022) on December 23 ~ 24, 2022, Sydney, Australia https://cndc2022.org/icss/committee
  • 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (DSA 2022) on December 23 ~ 24, 2022, Sydney, Australia https://cndc2022.org/dsa/committee
  • 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Applications (ARIA 2022), September 17~18, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 8th International Conference on Information Technology Converge Services (ITCON 2022)
  • November 19 ~ 20, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Logic Systems (Fuzzy 2022), November 19 ~ 20, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ARIN 2022) to be held in Sydney, Australia on June 18 ~ 19, 2022.
  • 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (AIS 2022) Conference held in   August 20~21, 2022, Chennai, India.  https://csit2022.org/ais/committee
  • 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Applications (NLPA 2022), August 20 -21, 2022, Chennai, India –  https://csit2022.org/nlpa/committee
  • 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (CEU 2022)
  • International Conference on Advances in Computing & Information Technologies (CACIT 2021)
  • International Conference On Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2017), 15 – 16 December 2017, GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women

Editorial Board member:

  • Member of Editorial Team International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning IJAMML (ISSN NO: 2394-2258)
  • Board Member IJETT (Seventh Sense Research Group) Thomson Reuters, Google Scholar
  • Editorial Board member IRJET Google Scholar
  • Member of Program Committee ICITCS 2017 IEEE
  • Editorial Panel member EC Psychology and Psychiatry PubMed
  • Editorial Board Member Journal of Child and Adolescent psychiatry Scopus
  • Editorial Board Member Journal of Precision Medicine and Public Health Google Scholar, PubMed
  • Editorial Board member international journal of thyroid research
  • Editorial Board member   Journal of Child and Adolescent psychiatry Scopus
  • Editorial Board member   Journal of Precision Medicine and Public Health Google Scholar, PubMed
  • Editorial Panel Member Surgery Clinics Journal
  • Editorial Panel member SM Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research
  • Member of Editorial Team International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning IJAMML (ISSN NO: 2394-2258)
  • Board Member IJETT (Seventh Sense Research Group) Thomson Reuters, Google Scholar
  • Editorial Board member   IRJET   Google Scholar
  • Member of Program Committee ICITCS 2017 IEEE
  • Editorial Panel member EC Psychology and Psychiatry   PubMed

Session Chair:

  • Session Chair for IEEE International conference IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information systems ICDSIS  2022 organized by Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, India on 29th & 30th July 2022.
  • Session chair for IEEE international conference on Distributed computing and electrical circuits and electronics ICDCECE- 2022 organized by Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, on 23rh & 24th April 2022.
  • Session chair for IETE National conference held in IETE Mysore center on Saturday, 4th May 2019.
  • Session chair for IEEE International conference ICNTET organized by GRT Institute of Engineering &Technology, Tiruttani, Tamilnadu on 7th & 8th September 2018
  • Session chair for IEEE International conference ICIETS 2018 organized by NIE Institute of Technology, Mysore on 20th & 21st September 2018
  • Session Chair for National Conference held at GMIT Davanagere on 4th September 2015

Jury member:

  • Jury member for the National level project exhibition organized by NIE Mysuru on 27th April 2022.
  • Jury member for the Open Day Project Exhibition Shakthi Sthaavara- 2019 organized by the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysore on Friday, 3rd May 2019
  • Jury Member for Project expo organized at IETE, Mysore on 4th May 2019
  • Jury Member for Project expo organized by the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ATMECE, Mysore on 10th May 2019
  • Jury Member for TechNIEIT 2016 held on 2nd May 2016


  • ICDCECE 2022
  • IEEE Region10 Humanitarian Technology Conference R10HTC2021
  • 2021 International conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications CCUBE-21
  • International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC-2021)
  • Inderscience Submissions –  IJMEI
  • Brain Imaging and Behavior, Springer Nature, Scopus Indexed Journal
  • IEEE B-HTC 2020
  • ERCICA, 2018
  • IEEE ICETC2017
  • Reviewer of International conference 4th International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (Springer) ERCICA 2016
  • IEEE Conference TENCON2016
  • IJERT ISSN: 2278-0181 Google Scholar
  • SM Journal of Psychiatry & Mental Health
  • Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Elsevier
  • Advanced Practices in Nursing OMICS Publishing Group Medical Journals
  • BMC Neurology SCImago, SCOPUS, PubMed
  • Reviewer IJERT ISSN: 2278-0181 Google Scholar
  • SM Journal of Psychiatry & Mental Health
  • Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Elsevier
  • Advanced Practices in Nursing OMICS Publishing Group Medical Journals

Resource person: 

  • Resource person on the topic “Human Values; The Panacea for Humanity” an ATAL FDP dated 6-03-2022 organized by VTU.
  • Resource person on the topic “Research policy and Initiatives” held on 27th April 2021 during the FDP held between 26th to 28th April 2021.
  • Developing e-content for Digital System Design under e-Shikshana Programme-04 from 14th September to 30th January 2021
  • Developing e-content for Microcontroller under e-Shikshana Programme-03 from 12th February 2021 to 15th May 2021
  • Developing e-content for Basic Electronics under e-Shikshana Programme-01 from 18th February 2019 to 10th May 2019.
  • Resource person for LATEX workshop organized for PG students on 29th & 30th March 2016 at ATMECE Mysuru
  • Resource person for LATEX workshop organized for UG students from 22nd & 27th February 2016 at ATMECE Mysuru
  • Resource person for One-day international Symposium on neurocognitive disorders held at AIISH on 29th September 2015.
  • Resource person for FDP on LATEX at on 22nd 2015 at IETE Mysuru.
  • Resource person for LATEX workshop organized for UG students on 9th Feb 2015 at Dept. CSE, ATMECE Mysuru.
  • Guest Lecture on “Introduction to electronics” on 11th Oct 2012 at Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysore
  • Guest lecture in JSS Polytechnic for Women, Mysore
  • Resource person for “LATEX” workshops organized by IETE and ATMECE Mysuru.

Other achievements:

  • Participated as a mentor in the Grand Finale Smart India Hackathon 2022 held at Crescent University Chennai, from 24th August 2022 to 29th August 2022.
  • Member of Management Committee, Sadvidhya Education Institutions, Mysuru since 2022
  • VTU Nominee for Final year student innovative project 2021-2022
  • Member of LIC VTU 2022
  • Member of Advisory board of e-Shikshana of Visweswaraya Technological University 2020-21
  • Member of Governing Body of Sadvidhya Education Institutions, Mysuru since 2020
  • Member of Governing council ATME college of Engineering since 28th September 2017
  • VTU Nominee for Final year student innovative project 2020-2021
  • Initiated MOU with Intellect Bastion, New Delhi
  • Initiated MoU with Aspire For Her, Bombay
  • Participated  as a mentor for a shortlisted team of Toycathon2021
  • Member of Advisory board of e-Shikshana of Visweswaraya Technological University 2019-20
  • Subject expert for staff selection held at NIEIT, Mysore on 4th May 2019 and 6th May 2019.
  • Member of Advisory board of e-Shikshana of Visweswaraya Technological University 2018-19
  • Participated as a mentor in Smart India Hackathon 2017 held at Amritsar on 1st and 2nd April 2017
  • BOE Member NIE 2018-19
  • BOE Member NIE 2017-18
  • BOE member KSOU 2015
  • BOE member KSOU 2014
  • BOE Member NIE 2013-14
  • Initiated ISF (National Level Professional body) at ATME college of Engineering 2013
  • BOE Member NIE 2012-13
  • BOE Member NIE 2011-12
  • Director of Alumni Association JSS Polytechnic for Women, Mysore.

MOOC/ ARPIT/ SWAYAM certifications

  • Completed “Agile Leadership Principles and Practices” on January 17, 2022, a course of study offered by USMx, an online learning initiative of the University System of Maryland.
  • Completed SWAYAM`s “ANNUAL REFRESHER PROGRAMME IN TEACHING (ARPIT) – 2021” during 2020-21.
  • Completed SWAYAM`s “Basic course in Bio Medical Research” May- June 2020
  • Completed GSE3x: Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching, a course of study offered by HarvardX, an online learning initiative of Harvard University. 17th May 2020

FDP/ Workshop attended: 

  • Participated in AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on “Accreditation: An Accelerator for Quality Improvement in Engineering Education” held during 22nd April 2021 to 28th April 2021 organized by S.D.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka.
  • Participated in FDP on “New Avenues and Role of Faculty in Effective Implementation of NEP-2020 in HEIs” organized on 29th January 2021 by ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru
  • Participated in the National Education conclave on “Re- imagining University Education with a Heart- centered approach” on 12th & 13th January 2021organized by Heart Fullness Education Trust
  • Participated in the Three Days Faculty Development Program on “Importance of NAAC Accreditation in Higher Education Institutions” from 09-11-2020 to 11-11-2020, Organized by ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru.
  • Participated and successfully completed the online workshop on Universal Human Value on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” during 26th -30th May, 2020 as organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE).
  • Participated and successfully completed the online workshop on Universal Human Value on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” during 2nd – 6th May, 2020 as organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE).
  • Participated and successfully completed 3-days “Faculty Development Program for Student Induction (FDP-SI)” during 18th – 20th June, 2018 at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangalore organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE).
  • Participated in three days FDP on “ARM Cortex and M3 controllers” from 14th December to 16th December 2017, organized by Department of ECE, ATMECE, Mysuru in association with VTU Belagavi, ALS Bengaluru & IETE Mysuru center.
  • Participated in one-day National level workshop on “Interfacing innovation and IPR for Diffusion of Technology” organized by ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru on 19th January 2015.
  • Participated in FDP on “LabVIEW” organized by Department of ECE, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru on 8th January 2015.

Webinar/seminar/ attended: 

  • Participated in National webinar on “NEP 2020: Vision to Action” on 13th May 2021, IIIT Kalyani
  • Participated in the Webinar on “How to write Proposals for Funding” organized on 31st December 2020 by ATME College of Engineering in association with IEEE Student Branch Bangalore Section
  • Participated in the Webinar on “Importance of Citations and Indexing” on 21st October 2020 organized by ATME College of Engineering in association with IEEE Student Branch Bangalore Section.
  • Participated in the Webinar on “Scientific Writing for journals” on 30th September 2020 organized by Springer Nature in collaboration with VTU
  • Participated in the Webinar on “Teaching Pedagogy” on 17th July 2020, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru.
  • Participated in the Webinar on “Long-term Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Scenario in India”, held on 13 JULY 2020 organized by Field Outreach Bureau, Mysuru,Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in association with Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy, Mysuru, Alzheimer’s & Related Disorders Society of India, Mysuru (ARDSI),Apna Desh, Mysuru, Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists & Educators (APSE)
  • Participated in three days’ webinar on “Latest Technologies” (Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence), from 9th July 2020 to 11th July 2020, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru,
  • Participated in online Webinar on the topic “Women Rights under Constitution” and “Vishaka Guidelines on Sexual Harassment” on 04th July 2020, organized under Women Cell, Visvesvaraya Technological University, “Jnana Sangama”, Belagavi
  • Participated in Webinar series on “Humanitarian Technologies” during 13th to 23rd April 2020, Organized by IEEE Bangalore section


  • Convener of an awareness program on Women Empowerment at Varuna village on 11-05-2022.
  • Convener of a webinar on “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” by Dr N Vanishree on 16th March 2022.
  • Convener of International Women`s Day celebrations 2022
  • Convener of   Webinar on “INFOCUS Session 6: Journalism in Digital Age ” by Rica Roy and Prachi Jatania on 14-12-2021.
  • Convener of World Human Rights Day held on 10th December 2021
  • Convener of   Webinar on “INFOCUS Session 5: Critic & Analysis of Film Credits ” by Rashi Lamba and Deepti Gupta on 08- 12-2021.
  • Convener of   Webinar on “Story Telling & Film Production” by Chhitra Subramaniam on 02-12-2021.
  • Convener of Webinar on “INFOCUS Session 3: Destress With Drama” by Raell Padamsee, Managing Director & CEO Ace Productions Pvt Ltd” Raell Padamsee. On 23-11-2021.
  • Convener of Webinar on “INFOCUS Session 2: How to turn Passion into Profession ” by Meghna Ghai Puri and Arati Kadav on 16-11-2021
  • Convener of Webinar on “INFOCUS: Film, Broadcasting, Journalism” by Megha Tata , M D Discovery Communications( South Asia), Madhura Das Guptha Sinha, Founder &, CEO of Aspire For Her on  11 – 11-2021.
  • Convener of Webinar on “Maximize your Potential” by Navya Nanda and Apurva  Purohit on            09- 11-2021.
  • Convener of Webinar on “A TETE –ATETE” with two EntrepreNaaris by Ms. Navya Nanda, Founder Project Naveli Co-Founder Aara Health and Ms. Masoom Mainawala, Fashion Influencer Founder, Empower on 22-10-2021.
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Mindfulness” in association with AFH, IBM-on 20th September 2021
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Big DATA 101” in association with AFH, IBM-on 18th September 2021
  • Convener of Webinar on “Patent Registration Procedure and Enforcement Scenario” on 3rd September 2021
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Principles of Visual Design” in association with AFH, IBM-on 28th August 2021
  • Convenor of Webinar on “A process Approach to Writing Research Articles –for Beginners” in association with CSI on 26th August 2021
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Introduction to Data science” in association with AFH, IBM, on 23rd August 2021
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Introducing AFH (Aspire For Her) and Career Opportunities” in association with AFH on 19th August 2021
  • Convener of Webinar on “Awareness on Women Safety at Work Place” on 18th August 2021
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Usage of MS Word and EndNote for Writing Technical Papers” in association with CSI on 17th August 2021
  • Convened IETE Chairpersons` conclave held at GSSSIETW on 3rd & 4th August 2021.
  • Convenor of Webinar on “Mind and Health” by Shakunthala Venugopal on 23rd June 2021
  • Convened Webinar on “Intelligent receiver design and future communication for 6G technology” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 13th March 2021.
  • Convened Webinar on “Image processing and machine learning applications” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 19th February 2021.
  • Convened Webinar on IETE Students’ Day organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 01st February 2021
  • Convened IETE Students’ Day organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 01st February 2021
  • Convened Webinar on “Deep learning for Disaster Management” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 30th January 2021
  • Convened Webinar on “Career Insights & Way forward- Post Covid” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 15th January 2021.
  • Convened Webinar on “Orientation towards MS program” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 30th December 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “Joy of Computing” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 15th December 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “An AI Decision system for Secure cyber network Architecture” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 17th November 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “67th IETE Foundation Day” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 2nd November 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “Understanding online Falsehood: the virus on Social media” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 31st October 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “Skills & attitude for New-Normal” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 30th October 2020.
  • Convened International Webinar on “6G: Vision, Requirements, Technical Challenges, Standardization & Implementations” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 15th October, 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “Applying Artificial Intelligence to Improve Business Value” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 30th September, 2020.
  • Convened Webinar on “Stress Management” organized by IETE Mysuru Centre held on 31st August 2020.
  • Convener of 2nd national conference held in IETE on 21st June 2020
  • Convener for webinar series of IETE 2020-2021
  • Convener of activities of IETE 2019- to date
  • Panel member for Webinar organized by ARDSI, Mysuru
  • Convener of International Women`s Day celebrations 2020-21
  • Convened Webinar series on “ATMANIRBHARA BARATH” in association with Field Outreach Bureau, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Mysuru, 2020-21
  • Convener of three-week Student Induction program for first-year students – 2019-20
  • Convener of International Women`s Day celebrations 2019-20
  • Convener of three-week Student Induction program for first-year students – 2018-19
  • Convener of FDP on FDP on ARM CORTEX M3 and Microcontrollers held from 14/12/2017 To   16/12/2017
  • Convener of ATMEeya Vidhaaya 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
  • Convener of Graameena Kreede organized for staff of ATMECE during ATMEeya 2K18
  • Convener of an awareness program at the Institutional level on “Legal rights of women”, Initiated by National Commission for Women, India, funded by NCW, New Delhi, 2017-18.
  • Convener of International Women`s Day celebrations 2018-19
  • Convener of FDP`s, Workshops, Internship Programmes and Industrial visits conducted in the Department 2011-2016.
  • Convener of the webinar on “Importance of citation & Indexing” on 21.10. 2020.
  • Convener of the webinar on “ IPR and its role in research and innovation” on  20.11.2020.
  • Convener of the webinar on “Patent Registration Procedures and Enforcement Scenario” on 03.09.2021.
  • Convener of the webinar on “User Awareness Program on the usage of IEEE and Springer      Nature E-Resources” on 24 Nov 2021.
  • Convener of the webinar on “ A process Approach to writing Research Articles –for Beginners” on 26.08.2021.
  •  Convener of the webinar on “How to Write Proposals for Funding” on 30. 12. 2020.
  • Convener of the webinar on “Usage of M S Word & End Note for Writing Technical Papers” on 17.08.2021.


  • Chairperson of CICC – 2022-23
  • Chairperson of Women’s cell -2022-23
  • Chairperson of Research Publication & co-curricular activity committee- 2022-23
  • Chairperson of CICC – 2021-22
  • Chairperson of Women’s cell
  • Chairperson of Research Publication & co-curricular activity committee 2021-22
  • Chairperson of CICC – 2020-21
  • Chairperson of CICC – 2019-20
  • Chairperson of TLP & Classroom Teaching Evaluation committee- 2018-19
  • Chairperson of Research Committee -2018-19
  • Chairperson for Internal squad team for Internals 2018-19
  • Chairperson of CICC – 2018-19
  • Chairperson for Internal squad team for Internals 2018-19
  • Chairperson of CICC initiated during the academic year 2018-19
  • Chairperson of stage program committee for the formal function of ATMEeya 2K18.
  • Chairperson for Internal squad team for Internals 2017-18
  • Chairperson of CICC during the academic year 2017-18


  • Member of Institutional committees
  • Coordinator of EC-IRC cell 2017-18
  • Coordinator of Echelon


  • Member of Advisory Committee of ICRTST 2022
  • Member of organizing committee of International conference in Recent Trends in Science and Technology – ICRTST 2021
  • Member of organizing committee of International conference in Recent Trends in Science and Technology – ICRTST 2020
  • Member Laboratory Requirement and Evaluation Committee -2018-19
  • Member of Program Assessment Committee 2018-19
  • Member of Department Advisory Committee 2018-19

Other role & responsibilities

  • Student Counsellor for academic year from 2011-12 till 2021
  • Setting up of laboratories
  • Guiding UG and PG students
  • Preparation of teaching material and imparting knowledge through Innovative methods
  • Preparation of scientific papers and publishing, participating in National and International conferences
  • Vice-Chairperson IETE Mysore Chapter 2022- 24.
  • Vice-Chairperson IETE Mysore Chapter 2020- 22.
  • Joint Secretary ARDSI Mysore Chapter 2020-22.
  • Fellow IEI since 4th August 2021
  • Honorary Secretary IETE Mysore Chapter 2018- 20.
  • Joint Secretary ARDSI Mysore Chapter 2018-20.
  • Senior Member IEEE
  • Fellow IETE
  • Joint Secretary ARDSI Mysore chapter 2016-18
  • Treasurer- IETE 2010-12
  • EC member – ARDSI Mysore chapter since 2012
  • EC member – IETE since 2009
  • Chartered Engineer
  • Member Association for Computing Machinery
  • Life member ISTE
  • Mr. Pradeep Kumar – Course work Completed
  • Mrs. Sheetal  Garg – Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completed

Machine learning, Power electronics, Embedded system, Neuro psychology

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