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Faculty Appraisal

ATME College of Engineering has adopted 360- degree appraisal system in order to evaluate the performance of all staff members, the appraisal system has been implemented in the EERP, all the appraisal process will happen in real time through EERP.

About 360-degree feedback:

360degree feedback (also known as multi-rater feedback, multi-source feedback, or multi source assessment) is

A process through which feedback from an employee’s colleagues supervisor(s), stake holders as well as a self-evaluation by the employee themselves is gathered.

In other words, an appraisal made by top management, immediate superior, peers, self and stake holders is called 360 Degree Appraisal.

Here, six parties, including himself, evaluate the performance of the employee. Therefore, he gets a feedback of his performance from everyone around him. This method is very reliable because many different parties do evaluation. These parties are in the best position to evaluate the employee because they are continuously interacting and working with him. This method is mostly used to evaluate the performance of the employee and in addition to that it also evaluates the other qualities such as talents, values, ethical standards, contribution to the growth of the organization, orientation towards research etc.

The six parties involved in 360-degree appraisal are:-

In academic Institutions, students are the main stakeholders. Hence, maximum weightage i.e., around 200 marks is allotted for students. Students’ feedback and students’ performance are the two different criteria that are considered for evaluation and both are given equal weightage. Students’ feedback includes parameters like subject preparedness, presentation and communication skills, knowledge about the subject, explaining the practical applications, using innovative teaching methodologies etc.


While considering students’ performance, to encourage faculty handling tough subjects, the result has been multiplied by a toughness factor. The toughness factor varies in accordance with the complexity of the subject. This evaluation is best because it is objective.

In the self-appraisal, a person evaluates his own performance.  The self-appraisal policy mainly focuses on major areas like Teaching learning process, Co-curricular, profession related activities, Research and related publications. 100 marks have been allotted for self-appraisal.

  1. TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES: This parameter mainly focuses on teaching Learning process and networking with outside world. This parameter promotes the faculty to cover 100% syllabus, conduct seminar and tutorial classes. This also encourages the faculty to conduct remedial or bridge courses for the needy. This parameter emphasizes on Innovative teaching learning methodologies that can be used by the faculty in imparting knowledge to the students. In addition to this faculty`s involvement in University related activities like paper setting, valuation, squad duties is considered.


  1. CO-CURRICULAR, EXTENSION AND PROFESSION RELATED ACTIVITIES: This parameter emphasizes on Teacher student interaction, Interaction with outside world and continuous learning.

This includes Value based programs, community services and social orientation activities, Interaction with Government (regulatory) bodies, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, Interaction of faculty with professional body etc. Performance metric has varied according to the nature of the work involved.

Faculty’s interaction with outside world can be measured by looking into parameters like FDPs, Conferences and seminars attended by the faculty. Faculty invited as session chair, judge, reviewer, editorial board member of journals. Institutional and department publication is also a criterion used for self-evaluation. Faculty`s involvement in continuous learning is measured through the certification courses that the faculty has taken up for that academic year.



This parameter focuses on publication in indexed Journals, presentation in conferences, applying for funding, Patent and technology transfer.

In this, to promote the researchers at the entry level, the number of publications considered with Google scholar indexing is more in comparison with Scopus and H- indexed publications. At the same time, to promote quality research more weightage is given to Scopus & H- indexed journals in comparison with other journals. To promote networking with outside world, more weightage is given to conferences held abroad. In addition to this, to promote quality research, more weightage is given to IEEE, Elsevier and springer conferences in comparison with other international conferences. Faculty members are encouraged to author books, book chapters and knowledge based volumes. To promote more publications equal weightage is given to all the authors. This parameter also gives lot of Importance to sponsored projects. The weightage of marks has varied in accordance with the amount mobilized.   To encourage more number of proposals from the institution, separate Marks have been allocated for applying and sanctioning. To motivate the faculty for patent and technology transfer Maximum marks is being allotted which includes applying as well as sanctioning.

Peer or colleagues also evaluate each other’s performance. They work continuously with each other and they know each other’s performance. Peer evaluation is used mostly in cases where teamwork is important. This evaluation includes parameters like communication skills, involvement with college activities, department activities, knowledge about the subject, faculty member`s attitude towards students and colleagues etc. This parameter is evaluated for 25 marks

The immediate superior/HoD is in a very good position to evaluate the performance of his subordinates. This is because they have direct and accurate information about the work performance of their subordinates.  Faculty will be evaluated for 75 marks.  The evaluation metrics includes parameters like punctuality, involvement in teaching, planning the topics in allotted time, effective classroom teaching, maintenance of documents like lesson plan, work done dairy, attendance etc. This also includes teamwork, supporting department with innovative ideas etc

Principal evaluates the performance of all the employees including HoDs and Professors. The performance is evaluated for 50 marks and the evaluation includes managements of staff/students, management of department documents, encouraging interpersonal relationship among staff members, leadership quality, and professionalism, ensuring that the faculty meets the college curriculum, contribution towards departmental / institutional growth, Vision and strategic thinking.

The top management evaluates the performance of all the employees. The criteria considered are awareness of Vision, Mission, PEOs, POs, COs, Policies and Faculty hand book. In addition to these, parameters like teamwork, professional development, Involvement in research activities, reaching out to students, job satisfaction level etc. is also considered. Management appraisal will be for 50 marks.

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