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State Level Technical Quiz Competition on Electrical & Electronics Engineering


State Level Technical Quiz Competition on Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Objectives of the E-Quiz:

  • To enhance the technical skills of students in the field of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
  • To improve the analytical, logical and problem solving skills in students.

Date: 30th June 2021

Time: 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm

Target participants: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students across Karnataka.

List of Topics:

Sl. No. Course Topics
1 Basic Electrical Engineering
3 Transformers and Generators
4 Electric Motors
6 Digital System Design
7 Electrical and Electronics Measurements


Registration Link: https://forms.gle/VtbwB9Qm7iLL2SJZ9


  1. The total number of questions are 30
  2. The link will be active from 3:15 pm to 5:30 pm on 30th June 2021
  3. The students have to score a minimum of 50% marks to obtain E-Certificate
  4. Top 5 Scorers will get Course Merit Certificate.


Chief Patrons

Sri. L Arun Kumar

Chairman, ATMECE, Mysuru

Sri. K Shivashankar

Secretary, ATMECE

Sri. R Veeresh

Treasurer, ATMECE

Dr Basavaraj

Principal, ATMECE

Program Chairman

Dr. Parthasarathy L

Professor & HoD

Department of EEE

ATMECE, Mysuru

Program Committee

Dr. Shakunthala C

Associate Professor

Department of EEE

ATMECE, Mysuru

Maria Sushma S

Assistant Professor

Department of EEE

ATMECE, Mysuru

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