ip stresser


Assistant Professor

Education Details

  • M.Tech Information Technology, N I E, Mysuru, Autonomous.
  • B.E CSE B G S I T, Bellur Cross, VTU.

Professional Experience

  • Teaching Experience – 1year
  • Assistant Professor, A T M E College of Engineering, Mysuru,  July 2023 – Till Date.
  • Assistant Professor, N I E, Mysuru, Sep 2022 –  july 2023.

Publication Details

International Journals:

  1. Darshini Y, Dr. Jayasri B.S , published paper titled “Preserving security and integrity in a vehicular Ad-hoc Network using Pseudo ID-based scheme.” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol. 07, Issue No.05, (may 2020).

Roles and Responsibility

  • Website Coordinator
  • DST Coordinating
ip stres