ip stresser

Dr. Madhusudhan K V

Education Details:

  • Ph.D in Mathematics
  • M.Sc in Mathematics

Contact Details

Email ID dr.madhusudhankv_maths@atme.edu.in
LinkedIn ID https://www.linkedin.com/in/madhusudhan-k-v-3a0429171/
Google Scholor  ID https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=eaklov8AAAAJ
Orcid ID http://www.orcid.org/0000-0001-7700-8172
Vidwaan ID https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/202648
Scopus ID  

Professional Experience

  • Promoted as Associate Professor from 01/04/2022
  • Working as Assistant Professor inATME College of Engineering From 2/9/2010 to 31/03/2022
  • Worked as Lecturer in BGS PU College , Mysore 6/12/2009 to 30/4/2010
  • Worked as Lecturer in BES College of Arts Commerce and Science 14/7/2005 to 30/11/2009

Publication Details:

  • Note on Common Neighborhood and Near Common Neighborhood Signed Graphs, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 5(4) (2018), 569-573. (UGC Journal No: 43602) (P-ISSN: 2349-5138, E-ISSN: 2348-1269, India)
  • Wing Signed Graphs, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), 8(9) (2018), 39-41. (UGC Journal No: 47631) (ISSN: 2250 – 3005, India)
  • Distance Divisor Signed Graphs, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), 8(10) (2018), 25-27. (UGC Journal No: 48995) (ISSN (E): 2250-3021, ISSN (P): 2278-8719, India)
  • Note on Distance Coprime Signed Graphs, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 9(10) (2018), 1473-1476. (UGC Journal No: 44720) (ISSN (E): 2319-8133, ISSN (P): 0976-5727, India)
  • Note on Detour Radial Signed Graphs, International J. Math. Combin.,2 (2019), to appear. (ISSN: 1937-1055, China)
  • Set-Prime Graph of a Finite Group, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Math. Soc., 22(3) (2019), Scopus Indexed (UGC Journal No: 38600) (ISBN: 89-87809-15-3, ISSN:1598-7264, South Korea)
  • Inverse Product Connectivity Energy of a Graph, International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, 54(1) (2019), 194-198. (UGC Journal No: 42582) (ISSN: 2320-6608, India)
  • Randic type Additive Connectivity Energy of a Graph, Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal., 21(2) (2019), 18-26. Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, (ISSN: 1683-3412, EISSN: 1814-0807, Russia)
  • Degree Equivalence Graph of a Graph, TWMS J. App. Eng. Math, 10(2)(2020), 411-414. Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. (UGC Journal No: 48837) (ISSN: 2146-1147, e-ISSN: 2587-1013, Turkey)
  • New bounds on eigen values of Normalized Signed Graph, International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology-2022(Communicated)
  • Negation switching equivalence in signed graphs, International J. Math. Combin., 3 (2010), 85-90. (ISSN: 1937-1055, China)

    Roles and Responsibility
  • Counselor
  • Internal Squad team leader
  • Member of Magazine committee, NSS committee
  • Exam EMS Coordinator, MS team Coordinator

Professional body membership

  • ADMA
  • ISTE

@ University Level

  • Awarded with degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from VTU, Belgaum in April-2021

*FDP/Conferences/Workshops attended/Conducted

  1. Three days Workshop on “MATLAB” on January 6-7-8, 2014, ATME College of Engineering, Mysore
  2. One day National workshop on “Interfacing Innovation and IPR for Diffusion of Technology” on January 19, 2015 organized by NRDC, New Delhi, Mysore
  3. One day National workshop on “Graph Theory and its Applications” Sponsored by TEQIP-II on October 17, 2015, SIT Tumkur
  4. Three days National Pre-Conference workshop on “Recent Advances in Signed Graphs and their Applications” Sponsored by TEQIP-II on October 6-8, 2016, SIT Tumkur.
  5. National Seminar on “Recent Trends and Challenges In Applied Mathematics” on December 22, 2012, RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  6. One day National Conference on “Works of Srinivasa Ramanujan” on July 03, 2010 held in the Department of Studies in Mathematics, UOM, Mysuru.
  7. National Seminar on “Current Trends in Mathematical Sciences and Applications” on Febrauary 20, 2015, National Institute of Engineering, Mysore
  8. Two days National Conference on “Mathematics and its Applications” on December 22-23, 2015, AIT, Chikkamangaluru.
  9. Two days National Conference on “Energy of Graphs” on March 11-12, 2016, Department of Studies in Mathematics, University of Mysuru, Mysore.

@ International Level

  1. International Conference on “Discrete Mathematics (ICDM-2016)” on June 9-10-11, 2016, SIT, Tumkur.
  2. International Conference on recent trends in Science & Technology on 14th & 15th July – 2022, ATMECE, Musuru.

Research Area of Interest

  • Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Signed Graphs
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