ip stresser


Faculty Name : Dr. Parthasarathy L

Designation:  Professor and Head


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering-Power Systems
  • M. Tech in Power systems
  • B.E in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Contact Details

Email ID dr.parthasarathyl_ee@atme.edu.in
LinkedIn ID https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-parthasarathy-l-4165b2153/?originalSubdomain=in
Google Scholor  ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hz7rYPgAAAAJ&hl=en
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2671-6133
Vidwaan ID https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/170954
Scopus ID

Professional Experience

  • Teaching- 34 Years
  • Research- 11 Year

Area of Interest

Control Systems, Power Systems, EV, Cyber Security in Power Systems

Publication Details

Journals (Published/Presented)

National    International

    –                       8

Conference (Published/Presented)

National         International

    1                             10

  1. Gopal Reddy K, Dr. Parthasarathy L, Dr. Shakunthala C, and Sowmyashree K S, “Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation for Power Quality Improvement Using Hybrid ABC-CS Algorithm “, International Conference for Recent Trends in Science and Technology-2022, July 14th & 15th 2022.
  2. Shakunthala C, Dr. Gopal Reddy K, Dr. Parthasarathy L, “IoT Based Battery management system for electric vehicles”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Volume 12, Issue 4 April 2022, pp 47-52 | ISSN: 2248- 9622. https://www.ijera.com/papers/vol12no4/Ser-1/G1204014752.pdf
  3. Raghavendra L, Sathish K R, Parthasarathy L “Effect of Lighting Loads on The Power Quality” in IRJET, Volume: 09, Issue: 02 | Feb 2022, pp-300-305. https://www.irjet.net/archives/V9/i2/IRJET-V9I253.pdf
  4. Parthasarathy L, Er. Kiran Pathak- Text Book for 6th Semester B.E (EEE, E&I) “Sensors and Transducers” Edition -2019 (First)
  5. Raghavendra L , Shreeshayana R ,Parthasarathy L, “Modelling of Compact Fluorescent Lamp and Mitigation of Harmonic Distortion with Passive Filter”, IJCRT, Vol.6,Issue 1, Jan 2018.https://ijcrt.org/papers/IJCRT1801032.pdf
  1. Parthasarathy L and T. Ananthapadmanabha, “A Frame work for the Cost of Reactive Energy for Generators in Deregulated Electricity Markets” International Journal on Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), volume-13, Issue no.1, Jan 2014, EISSN 2278-0181https://www.ijert.org/a-frame-work-for-cost-of-reactive-energy-for-generators-in-deregulated-electricity-market
  1. Parthasarathy L and T. Ananthapadmanabha, “Consideration of Reactive Energy in the Tariff Structure” International Journal on Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET), volume-4, Issue no.3, May-June 2013, ISSN (Print) 0976-6545.https://www.ijert.org/research/a-frame-work-for-cost-of-reactive-energy-for-generators-in-deregulated-electricity-market-IJERTV3IS10707.pdf
  1. Parthasarathy L and T. Ananthapadmanabha, “Participation of Reactive Power Service on Demand Side Management” International Journal on power system Optimization and Control, pp.1-5, volume-4, Issue no.1, 2012.https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=hz7rYPgAAAAJ&citation_for_view=hz7rYPgAAAAJ:9yKSN-GCB0IC
  2. Parthasarathy L and T. Ananthapadmanabha, “Methodology for Loss Minimization in HVDS”, Fourth Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineers, Defence Engineering College, Ethiopia, 28th -29th August 2010
  3. Parthasarathy L, ‘Methodology for Loss Minimization in HVDS’ published in the ‘Fourth Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineers’ at Defence Engineering College, Ethiopia held on 28th August -29th August 2010.
  4. Parthasarathy L and Prashanth K Soori, ‘Series Resonant-Based Ballast for Off-Grid Photovoltaic Supply Systems’ published in an International Conference at Nanjing, China held on 6th April -7th April 2009
  5. Parthasarathy L and Prashanth K Soori, ‘Intelligent off Grid Photo Voltaic Supply System’ published in an International Conference at Paris, France held on 04July – 06July 2008, organized by the ‘World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology’
  6. Parthasarathy L and Prashanth K Soori, ‘Design of Transmission Line Parameters’ in 5th International Conference, 2007 on ‘Industrial Automation’ Montreal, Canada
  7. Parthasarathy L and Prashanth K Soori, ‘Automated Charge Controller Circuit for Off-Grid Photovoltaic Lighting System’ in 5th International Conference, 2007 on ‘Industrial Automation’ Montreal, Canada
  8. Parthasarathy L, ‘Design of Motorized Wheel Chair’ Published in ‘Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineers’ in Ethiopia on 22nd -23rd August, 2009
  9. Parthasarathy L and John Wilfred Vaz, ‘The Virtual Lab for Electrical and Electronics Engineering Education’ in 1st International Conference on Engineering Education, CEETE’03. ISBN 959-250-114-9
  10. Parthasarathy L and Srinivasulu A ‘Optical NOR and NOT gates’ in ZEDE’ 2003 Journal of Africa.
  11. Parthasarathy L, ‘Design of single phase voltage source Inverter’ in the 10th Anniversary Technical Journal of Defence Engineering College, Ethiopia, September, 2006

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Officiating as HOD
  • Supervising of Research Scholars
  • Actively participates in research activities through writing for publication, developing own research, presenting at conferences, etc
  • Engages with colleagues wherever possible, in consultancy activities and activities relevant to the college
  • Establishes and maintains relevant professional and industrial links, as necessary, for the effective operation of the department’s courses
  • Participates in the development and preparation of teaching materials
  • Participates and suggests relevant staff development activities
  • Provides personal guidance for students
  • Board of Examiner- JSSST University, Mysore
  • Academic Council Member- Mysore University School of Engineering

Professional body membership

  • Senior member-IEEE
  • Life Member of ‘The Indian Society for Technical Education (I.S.T.E)’.
  • Member of IEI-Institute of Engineers (MIE)
  • Member of IAENG-International Association of Engineers



  • Published Indian Patent: 202241007930
  • Title of the invention: Risk Combating Personal Protection Equipment
  • Date of filing of Application :15/02/2022
  • Publication Date: 25/02/2020
  • https://www.quickcompany.in/patents/risk-combating-personal-protection-equipment

Proposal/Funding/Awards/Financial Assistance

  • Co-Ordinator: A grant of Rs.17,00,000 for the project titled ‘Cyber Security in Power Systems’ under the scheme “Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence Aspirational (MODROB-ASP) by AICTE- New Delhi.


  • Gold Medal for successful completion of Ph D
  • Certificate of Recognition‟ for the overall services rendered towards the implementation of academic training Ministry of National Defence, University College, Ethiopia

Research/ Professional/Social Outreach Sites

Vidwan ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/170954

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2671-6133

Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hz7rYPgAAAAJ&hl=en

Linkedin:      https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-parthasarathy-l-4165b2153/?originalSubdomain=in

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