ip stresser


Faculty Name: Dr. VINOD KUMAR P

Designation:  Assistant Professor

Research/ Professional/Social Outreach Sites

Vidwan ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/201261

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1200-6309

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=WQM1H8EAAAAJ

Scopus:      https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57611569300


  • PhD in Electrical Engineering
  • M.Tech: VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
  • B.E : Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Professional Experience

  • Teaching-12 Years
  • Industry- 1 Year
  • Research- 4 Years

Area of Interest

  •  Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Publication Details

Journals Conference (Published/Presented)
National International National International
10 3 3
  1. Shreeshayana R*1, Manjunath V Gudur2, Meenakshi R Patil3, Parthasarathy P4, Vinod Kumar P5 , “     Design and Development of an Automated Fertilizer and Seed Vending Machine for Agricultural Applications”,  Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 2023, 38 (4): 287-298. https://sjcjycl.cn/article/view-2023/04-287.php
  2. Vinod Kumar P1, Dr. Kamala N 2, Shreeshayana R2, “Controlling a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot(TWSBR) with Gyroscope”, International Conference for Recent Trends in Science and Technology-2022, July 14th & 15th 2022.
  3. Vinod Kumar P,  Dr. Kamala N “Design, Dynamic Modelling, and Control of a Two-wheeled Self-Balancing Robot (TWSBR)” in the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 https://kalaharijournals.com/resources/Special_Issue_April_May_86.pdf
  4. Vinod Kumar P,  Dr. Kamala N “Study of Path Finding and Constraints of Two-wheeled Mobile Robots” in the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 https://kalaharijournals.com/resources/Special_Issue_April_May_68.pdf
  5. Vinod Kumar P,  Dr. Kamala N “Design of Robust Controller for Two-wheeled Inverted Pendulum System” in Elsevier Journal: Materials Today: Proceeding, 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322005193
  6. Vinod Kumar P, Mohith R & Nikitha M E “Smart Controller for Future Water Crises” in International journal International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 08, Special Issue Oct 2021. e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072, PP 164-171. https://www.irjet.net/archives/V8/i10/ICRTST-2021/IRJET-V8I1022.pdf
  7. Mr. Praveen Kumar M, Mrs. Mr. Santhosh Kumar R, Vinod Kumar P, “Design and Simulation of the Three Phase Z-source Inverter” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), VOLUME: 07, SPECIAL ISSUE, June 2020, E-ISSN: 2395-0056, P-ISSN: 2395-0072, PP-70-76. https://www.irjet.net/archives/V7/i6/ICRTST-2020/IRJET-V7I609.pdf
  8. Vinod Kumar P,  Dr. Kamala N “ Analysis and Exploration of AI based Two-Wheeled Self- Balancing Robot Models” in National Conference VCANDO 2020.
  9. Vinod Kumar P,  Dr. Kamala N “Mathematical Modelling of an Inverted Pendulum” in National Conference JNANA CHILUME – 2020.
  10. Vinod Kumar P, Mohith R & Nikitha M E “Design of Water Waste Collector by Seabin” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), VOLUME: 07, SPECIAL ISSUE, June 2020, E-ISSN: 2395-0056, P-ISSN: 2395-0072, PP-659-665. https://www.irjet.net/archives/V7/i6/ICRTST-2020/IRJET-V7I688.pdf
  11. Mr. Vinod Kumar P, Dr. U B Mahadevaswamy,  “Unilateral Vital Signs Monitoring System on IoT” in International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Vol.8 pp 53-62. 10.5815/ijem.2018.01.05 https://www.proquest.com/docview/2150541246/fulltextPDF/502C87BD50E64F76PQ/1?accountid=209086
  12. Dr. U B Mahadevaswamy, Mr. Vinod Kumar P,   “Design & Development of Virtual Keyboard” in International Conference on Signal, Image Processing, Communication & Automation held at JSS academy of Technical Education on 6th & 7th July 2017.  02.MH-ICSIPCA.2017.1.22 Page no. 141-145.  https://thegrenze.com/index.php?display=page&view=conferencedetails&id=56
  13. Mr. Vinod Kumar P, Dr. U B Mahadevaswamy, “Wearable Energy harvesting system with multi-node” in International     Conference on Current Trends in Engineering, Science & Technology held at Don Bosco College of Engineering, Bangalore on January 2017.  http://dx.doi.org/10.21647/ICCTEST/2017/49028
  14. Mr. Vinod Kumar P, Mr. Lawerence D Mosies, Mr. Praveen Kumar M,  “Smart Water Flow Oriented Recording Device”, published in International Journal of computer Applications, December-2015.
  15. Mr Lawerence D Moses, Mr Vinod Kumar P, Mr Praveen Kumar “Smart Water flow Oriented Recording Device”- National Conference on Power System and Industrial Automation (NCPSIA), Published in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISSN: 0975–8887, Volume: NCPSIA 2015(2), Page No. 10-14, December 2015. https://research.ijcaonline.org/ncpsia2015/number2/ncpsia17237.pdf
  16. Santhosh Kumar R 1, Shreeshayana R 2,Vinod Kumar P 3,“Design and Simulation of Control Circuit for Single Phase Cycloconverter”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2015. Impact Factor:5.6http://ijircce.com/admin/main/storage/app/pdf/8pxUAROGd1FHudi73pnhhAZCN5Inxcj4i6DVssmu.pdf

Roles and Responsibilities: Institute Level

  • IQAC Member
  • Coordinator- NAAC Criteria-1 (Curricular Aspects)
  • Institute Level Innovation Council (IIC-DIH) member

Roles and Responsibilities: Department Level

  • NBA Coordinator
  • IIC Member
  • ISO Coordinator
  • AVR Coordinator
  • Seminar Coordinator
  • Lab In-charge: Circuit Simulation using PSpice & ECA

Professional body membership

  • Life Member in Indian Society for Technical Education-(LM116834)
  • Member in International Association of Engineers-(Member ID-191856)
  • Member in IEI-Institute of Engineers (Member ID-1639174)
  • Graduate Member in IEEE

Proposal/Funding/Awards/Financial Assistance

  • Mentored towards Best Project of the Year Award under the 42nd Series-SPP Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology-2019
  • Student Capstone Projects with Financial assistance under SPP Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology for the Year: AY:2018-19 & 2019-2020.


  • Best Teacher Award by ATME College of Engineering for the year 2018-19.
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