ip stresser
  • August 21, 2023
  • Mysuru,Karnataka
One Week State Level FDP on “Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
Greetings from ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru
NAAC A+ Accredited
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is organizing One Week State Level FDP on “Cyber Security and Digital Forensics” in association with IEI (India) from 21.08.2023 to 25.08.2023
Venue: Department of EEE, ATMECE
Target Participants: Faculty from AICTE/UGC approved Technical and Non-Technical Degree Colleges/Institutions*
Training Mode:Offline
Resource persons
Experts from Industry and Academia
Objectives of the Program
1.Enhance Faculty members understanding of cyber threats, vulnerability and countermeasures.
2. Hands on Training on Digital Forensics Tools
3. Foster the development of effective pedagogical strategies for teaching cybersecurity and digital forensics
4. Promote collaboration and Knowledge sharing among faculty members from different institutions.
Registration Details
Registration Fee: Rs 1000
For Registration Payment and Accommodation Details visit the FDP brochure
Last Date for Registration is 16.08.2023*
Chief Patrons
Sri Arun Kumar L                           Sri K Shivashankar                             Sri Veeresh R
Chairman, ATMECE, Mysuru                Secretary, ATMECE, Mysuru               Treasurer, ATMECE, Mysuru
Dr. A K Murthy
Principal, ATMECE, Mysuru
Program Convenor
Dr. Parthasarathy L
HoD, Dept. of EEE,
ATMECE, Mysuru
Event Co-ordinators
Dr. Shakunthala C                                        Prof. Vinod Kumar P                               Prof. Shreeshayana R
Associate Professor,                                       Assistant Professor                                   Assistant Professor
Dept. of EEE,                                                       Dept. of EEE                                              Dept. of EEE
ATMECE, Mysuru                                           ATMECE, Mysuru                                    ATMECE, Mysuru
·  Every 39 seconds there is a cyber-attack.
·  Human error accounts for 95% of all data breaches.
·  43% of cyber-attacks target small business
· 85% of people posting puppy photos are trying to scam you.
·  75% of cyber-attacks start with an email
·  The worldwide information security market is forecast to reach $170.4 billion in 2022.
· 86% of breaches were financially motivated and 10% were motivated by espionage.
·  4 million files are stolen every day – that’s 44 every single second

Download Brochure


  • Start Date:August 21, 2023
  • End Date:August 25, 2023
  • Location:Mysuru,Karnataka
  • Website:https://atme.in/


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