ip stresser


Faculty Name : Mr. THEJKUMAR J

Education Details

  • Tech in Product Design & Manufacturing (2013) from The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru
  • E in Mechanical Engineering (2008) from The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tool Technology) (2005) from C.P.C Polytechnic. Mysuru

Professional Experience

  • 6 yrs at ATME College of Engineering
  • 2 yrs at Canara Engineering College, Bantwal, D.K
  • 5 yrs at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore

Publication Details

  1. Thejkumar J and Ravi Kumar S, “Use of lipid Bio-fuels with Environmental Impacts for production of Low Coat Fuel”,  IRJET,  Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018
  2. Rohith S, Swarna kiran S and Thejkumar J “Cold flow simulation in an IC Engine”, Volume 2, Issue 10, ISSN: 2394-3696, October 2015


  1. Ravi Kumar S and Thejkumar J, “Performance analysis of low cost biogas plant using jaggery waste”, International conference on ICAMES held at PES College of Engineering, Mandya on 21-22, April 2017.
  2. Ravi Kumar S and Thejkumar J, “Biogas Production from Jaggery Waste using low cost biogas Plant”, National Conference on Renewable Energy Technology: Future, Opportunity and Challenges for India held during March 9-10, 2017

Roles and responsibilities

  • Virtual Lab: Nodal Centre Coordinator since 2019-20
  • Universal Human Values Coordinator (UHV) Since 2019-20
  • Departmental NBA Coordinator since 2016-17
  • College Magazine & News Letter Coordinator
  • Member of the publication committee @ Departmental Level 2015-16, 2017-18, 2018-19

Professional body membership

  • Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
  • Life member of Institute of Engineers of India (IEI)

Achievements/ Awards & Recognitions:

  • Best Teacher Award 2018
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