ip stresser

Mrs. Hamsa A S

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualification

  • B.E in CS&E from P.E.S College of Engineering Mandya, VTU.
  • M.Tech in CS&E from BTLIT Bangalore, VTU.
Email ID hamsaas_CS@atme.edu.in
LinkedIn ID https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamsa-a-s-64351032
Google Scholor  ID https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=loD0yA0AAAAJ
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0808-577X
Vidwaan ID https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/234551

Certification Courses

  • Certified Python programmer from WileyNXT.
  • Post-Graduate Certification in “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Mandi, Himachal Pradesh)

Professional Experience

  • 7+ years of Experience in Teaching


Won the “Best Technical Paper Award” for the Technical paper presented in an International Conference held by ANNA University, Chennai (ICRTCSE- 2012)

Professional Body Membership:

  • Lifetime Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE) since 2014, M No: LM 94807

Roles & Responsibilities:

  1. Website Coordinator
  2.  Student Mentor
  3.  IPR CSE Department Coordinator

Work on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning:

  1. Implemented a Convolution Neural Network model to test the MNIST dataset.
  2. Predictive Model Building for Data Classification – Logistic Regression & SVM.
  3. Time series Prediction by building a ARIMA model for training data.
  4. Implemented a Spoken Language Identification System using Deep Neural Networks, and verified the accuracy among different AI-Models (FCNN, CNN, GMM)
  5. K-means clustering implementation with time series data.

Workshops & Conferences:

  1. A Workshop on “Cybersecurity Engineering in Academics” at R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore.
  2. A Workshop Attended on “Role of Blockchain and AI in the Application of Cyber Security” at MS Ramiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  3. A Technical Paper Presented on “Handling Link Asymmetry in multi-hop mesh network” at T-John Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  4. The AICTE Sponsored FDP on “CYBER SECURITY” at UVCE, Bangalore.

International Journal Publications

  1. Published a technical paper in an international journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT) on ‘LID SYSTEMS FOR SPEECH PROCESSING SYSTEM’ (GMM based Bayes classifier model, FCN and CNN models to automatically recognize and classify the spoken language)

(2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 6 June 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882)

  1. Published a technical paper in an International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE) on ‘Collaboration of Blockchain in Healthcare 4.0’

(ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-5940 Vol. 11, Issue 6, June 2022)

ip stres