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NVH Technology and CNC Technology


Department of mechanical engineering is organized a webinar on the topic NVH Technology and CNC Technology on 5th Aug 2021 for the  benefit of students. This webinar conducted in association with Govt. Tool  Room and Training Centre, Mysore, Mr. Praveen V and Mr. Pavan  Kumar N, speakers of this webinar explained the on the above said topics. Prof.  Devaraj M R welcomed all the faculty and student participants for this program. The webinar started at 3.00 PM and finished at 4.30 PM after the discussions  and interactions for the participants queries. Mr. Praveen V the speaker of the  webinar started his speech and briefed on Noise, Vibration and Harshness and  its sources.

The speaker Mr. Pavan Kumar N spoke on CNC Technology and also  various training programs providing at GTTC to the students. The session was  completed after expressing thanks to speakers and all participants by Dr.  Srinivasa K.

The team involved in organizing this event are Dr. Rathnakar G Prof.  and Dean, and Dr. Srinivasa K HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering,  as convenors. The program coordinated by Prof. Devaraj M R, Dr.  Mohanakumara K C and Prof. Niranjan kumar V S Department of  Mechanical Engineering.


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