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ATME College of Engineering, has been recognized as Remote center of IIT Bombay

Adding yet another feather in its step, The ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, has been recognized as Remote Center of Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT-B) on 23rd  May 2019 ( Remote Center Code: 1563).

As IIT-B’s Remote Center, ATME will host the faculty members to attend live online courses/workshops delivered by IIT Bombay’s members. The participating faculty members would be attending lectures, tutorials, lab sessions and live interactions with the IIT-B faculty through distance mode using internet and advanced A-VIEW technology.

The Teaching Learning  Centre (ICT) is organising workshops at IIT Bombay, a scheme of ‘Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching’ (PMMMNMTT), an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.


Under the programme, IIT Bombay conducts ISTE workshops during the vacation period in summer and winter. Teachers attend the workshops at a designated Remote Center (RC), close to their own college. Lectures are delivered by faculty from IIT Bombay, while tutorials and lab sessions are conducted locally in the same RC. The lecture transmission and live interaction take place in a virtual classroom environment, using the AVIEW technology on the internet.

Faculty coordinators are appointed at each remote centre, to handle the technology infrastructure and other operational logistics. Additionally, for each workshop, there is a workshop faculty coordinator for that subject who will help in the conduct of labs and tutorials at that center. We invite expert faculty from various remote centers to a five-day Coordinators training workshop which is held in IIT Bombay, at least two months before the main workshop. These Coordinators then act as Workshop Coordinators during the main workshop, liaising between the participants at their Remote Centers and IIT Bombay from where the workshop is transmitted live. During the main workshop, the Workshop Coordinator at every center supervises the conduct of tutorials and Labs. All the lectures and tutorial sessions are recorded. The final edited audio-visual contents, along with other course material are released under Open Source. These contents can be freely used later by all teachers and students.

Programs Organized by IIT Bombay under the Remote Centre of ATME College of Engineering

AY- 2020-21 Event Coordinator: Dr. Prakash Kuravatti
SL. No Name of the Event Conducted Dates
1 Workshop on  Python for Teachers IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 22 June 2019
2 Workshop  on eSim for Coordinators IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 27 July 2019
3 Workshop on  Linux  for Teachers IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 23Aug 2019
4 Workshop on eSim  for Teachers IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 21 Sep 2019
5 Workshop on R-Language for Coordinators IIT-Bombay- RC


12 Oct 2019
6 Rerun Workshop  on  R- – Teachers IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 17  Dec 2019
7 LaTex for Students , Engineers and Scientists IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 24 Sep – 11 Nov 2019
8 Rendezvous with Lori Beer, CIO

of a leading financial Institution in USA

IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 5 Nov 2019
9 Workshop on Arduino IIT-Bombay- RC ATMECE 8th Feb 2020
10 Workshop  on eSim IIT-Bombay 11th  to 13th   Feb 2021
11 Workshop on FOAM IIT-Bombay 25th  to 27th   Feb 2021
12 Workshop on ChemCollective Virtual Lab IIT-Bombay 25th  to 27th   Feb 2021
13 Workshop on Dspace IIT-Bombay 13th Feb 2021
14 Workshop on Scilab


IIT-Bombay 4th – 6th March 2021

There are 9 faculty members secured A+ grade in LaTex course

List of the faculties are secured ‘A’ Grade
Sl No Name of the Faculty Department
1 Anupama Shetter ECE
2 Sathish K R EEE
3 Swapna H EEE
4 Dr. Yathisha L ECE
5 Pavithra A C ECE
6 Manjunath K ECE
7 Manu Vijay CV
8 Keerthi A Kumbar ECE
9 Vinod Kumar P EEE

Dr. Prakash Kuravatti
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE,

Remote Centre Coordinator, IIT Bombay.

ATME College of Engineering,
13th Kilometer Mysore-Kanakpura- Bangalore Road
Mysore – 500028.



Report on Python workshop_ Course Coordinator : Click Here
Python Work shop Report-converted : Click Here
Report on esim workshop-Course Coordinator-converted : Click Here
Linux Work shop Report : Click Here
Report on Linux workshop_ Course Coordinator : Click Here
eSim Work shop Report : Click Here
R workshop_ Course Coordinator : Click Here
R Work shop Report : Click Here
Report on LeTex-converted : Click Here
Report on Global CEO : Click Here

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