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Department of Civil Engineering organized one day online technical talk on “Soft computing technique for sustainable development” to 4 th and 6thsem students on 19.06.2021 for the benefit and upgradation of student’s knowledge level. Dr. Surendra H J, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, ATRIA Institute of
Technology, Bengaluru, delivered online technical talk on soft computing technique for sustainable development. Sustainability Science is a research field that seeks to understand the fundamental character of interactions between Nature and Society and it integrates with the three dimensions namely as Environmental, Economic and social. Soft computing can handle many cases and supply solutions to the complex real-life questions.

He explained many soft computing methodologies or techniques such as fuzzy logic, expert’s system, artificial neutral networks and genetic algorithms and it is very different in actual practice to choose the best methodologies to accomplish the task. Fuzzy logic provides a method to formalize reasoning when dealing with vague terms and along with that the other important methods that can incorporate are Crips sets, fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules, neutral networks etc., Session was explained with the many case studies and also deals with water scarcity.



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