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ATMEs’ MoU with IIT-Guwahati


ATME as on the 16th of December 2020 signed an MoU with Electronics and ICT Academy (IIT-Guwahati). The MoU is towards making ATME an Academic Partner for their mutual interest in the fields of training, education, research and development, and as a contribution to increased national cooperation.

As a part of the MoU, the two organizations shall work together for:

  • Collaboration in teaching and training for various courses.
  • Academic specific training programmes or courses
  • Development of the new courses and training modules for enhancing the employability for stakeholders.
  • Collaboration in research and development, and consultancy works.
  • Exchange of academic & research materials and joint publications.
  • Cooperation in projects, research activities of mutual interest.
  • Publication of Intellectual properties (IPs) developed jointly through project/research collaboration.
  • Participation in seminars, colloquia, and other types of academic discussions

The MoU process was signed by Dr. L. Basavaraj, Principal, ATMECE, Mysuru, Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee, Principal Investigator, E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati and Prof. Gopal Das, Dean -R&D, IIT Guwahati.

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