ip stresser

Project Competition


Objectives of the Event

  • To introduce students to real-world engineering situations and encourage to develop solutions addressing environment, economic sustainability and societal cause.
  • To create opportunity to the students to exhibit their technical, communication skills, Research orientation and Project management.

Event Details

  • Event Date: 20th July 2021
  • Target Participants: EEE Final year & pre-Final year students
  • Event ModeOnline (Microsoft Teams Platform)

Programme Convenor

 Dr Parthasarathy L
Professor & Head
Execom Member, IEEE Mysuru Sub section
ATMECE, Mysuru

Programme Coordinators

Mr Raghavendra L

Department of EEE,
Associate Professor
ATMECE, Mysuru

Mr Shreeshayana R
Department of EEE,
Assistant Professor
ATMECE, Mysuru

CASH Prize up-to 5K for Winners 

E-certificates to all registered participants and Project Guide

Registration Fee
IEEE Member– 50/Project Group
Non-IEEE Member– 100/Project Group

Note: Atleast one student in group must be IEEE member to claim for IEEE Member Registration.

Account Details:

Account Number: 4966101000099

Account Name: ATME IEEE Student Branch

Bank Name: Canara bank

Branch: Mid Corporate Branch, Mysuru

IFSC: CNRB0004966

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/B98m18rbM3MDFoaTA

For Registration Contact
Mr. Praveen Kumar M

Mr. Vinod Kumar P

Mr. Channabasava B


Report on “National Level Project Competition organized by the Department of EEE in association with IEEE Student Branch”


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